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Team Members

Genghis.Khan (Lead Designer and Programmer [.xml,.sql C++])

mrc2022 (Designer and Programmer [.xml]
crawf0rd (Designer and Programmer [.xml and .sql]

A New Civilization Wars 5 Mod is Coming Soon...

UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empire acts like an official expansion adding new concepts to the game, such as Global Warming (FramedArchitect), Revolutions (Gedemon), Technology Diffusion (lemmy101 and Drawmaeus/Strabo) and a 2UPT Rule  7 New Civilizations, 17 Technologies, 15 New Units, 13 New Buidlings, 12 New World and National Wonders.

The purpose of this customization of Sid Meier's Civilization V is to provide a source of entretainment to the people who play and who delevoped this mod. Entretainment leads to happiness, a critical dimension of Human beings. Altought some players want to play competitively against the others, the purpose of that desire is merely for their self enjoyment.
Many people live only for their happiness, when others prefer to leave their mark, even if small, even if invisible in the World. Even the people, as I do, who want to make a difference in the world, even if they are not recognized by Histoy, need sources of entretainment and happiness.
Every effort in creating this mod was for our and your entretainment. We are thankfull for you to play our mod.
-- Genghis.Khan, Sid Meier's Civilization V UnOfficial Expansion: Rise and Fall of Empires Lead Designer. Not even enough age to be called a Teenager.

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